Government Agencies

Government agencies trust LTCI because we know both sides of the long-term care equation: regulation and health care delivery.

LTCI has extensive experience working with government agencies to perform external quality monitoring and regulatory surveys. We monitor large national organizations, small regional organizations and individual health care facilities and centers.

LTCI uses this unique blend of consulting expertise, external quality monitoring expertise and external regulatory expertise to help organizations with:

  • Compliance program development, review and audits
  • QAPI program development and review
  • Development, implementation and review of internal quality monitoring and internal monitoring programs
  • Consulting and training on “systems” development and data use for root cause analysis and other quality and compliance related functions
  • Training programs to improve healthcare delivery and services, regulatory compliance, person-centered care/culture transformation and risk management

External Quality Monitoring

Since 1999, LTCI has been an external quality monitor for over 40 quality of care Corporate Integrity Agreements (CIAs) implemented by the Office of Inspector General (OIG) for the Department of Health and Human Services and individual state governments. LTCI has monitored large national organizations, small regional organizations and indivitual health care facilities/centers.

Our dedicated staff has years of experience working as external monitors with an extensive understanding of corporate compliane programs, and decades of experience in external review of the delivery and management of care and quality assurance. The scope of our expertise spans both the public and private sectors.

External Regulatory Surveys

LTCI and its staff work with multiple government agencies conducting external regulatory surveys using the CMS proess. LTCI and its staff have conducted over 1,145 external regulatory surveys and are experienced iwth the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) survey process including nursing homes and skilled nursing facilities.

Please contact us today to find out more about how we can help your insurance company navigate and succeed in the long-term care industry.

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Your organization

deserves the industry's best

compliance, regulatory

and risk consultants.

About LTCI

Long Term Care Institute, Inc. is a non-stock corporation focused on long term care quality and performance improvement, compliance program development, and review in long term care, hospice and other residential care settings.